Saturday, September 15, 2012


Molly has been asking to be in gymnastics.  I was a little reluctant to start my 3 1/2 year old in gymnastics as I don't want to be hard-core at this age.  I finally decided to put her in a class at the YMCA.  She had her first class last week and absolutely LOVED it.  I had to work so our nanny had to take her.  She said Molly was so excited they had to go a half hour early.  I have always worried that Molly was going to be super shy like I was as a child but she was eager to be line leader and followed directions well.  You can tell by the pictures how excited she was and has been ready to go back everyday since!



Johnny had to watch patiently outside. He has been bouncing around at home saying his is doing "gymnastics" too!