Monday, February 11, 2013

Molly is 4!

Molly turned 4 on Friday so here is a recap of her birthday festivities.  On Thursday the boys and I took Rice Krispie treats and sherbet to her class.  She enjoyed wearing the "birthday crown" from her teacher.
On Friday morning 5 of the 6 girls in her preschool class came over for a party.  Molly chose a Minnie Mouse theme and to decorate headbands, frost and decorate cookies and cupcakes!  They all had good time and played very well together.
After the party we headed to the airport to pick up Grandpa and Grandma.  We rested in the afternoon and opened presents-the biggest gift being a new and bigger bike.  Friday evening we went to dinner at Dave and Busters and played games there.  After dinner we came home for one last celebration of cake and singing. 
All in all, Molly had a great day and we all loved helping our sweet baby celebrate, she is one special girl.


  1. She is so cute. FOUR, wow! Looks like you had a great celebration.

  2. Fun! Glad your parents could be there to help celebrate. Molly is soooo cute.
