His current stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (14-15th percentile)
Height: 27.5" (24th percentile)
He is on the smaller side but is growing steadily. He still has not use for baby food so we are officially going full on finger foods. Tonight he was happy with steamed peas and broccoli as long as he could pick it up and feed himself. Samuel is trying soooo hard to crawl but still has not mastered it, any day now! Lastly, he has 2 teeth on the bottom that just started poking through about a week ago.
Samuel is a fun boy. He loves to watch Molly and Johnny play, loves to clap, loves to smile, and yes, loves his mama!!
Such a cutie and getting so big! I have a mama's boy, too. I love it except when I want to actually be productive and all he wants to do is sit on my hip. ;)