Friday, June 15, 2012

Bible School

This week was vacation bible school at our church.  This was Molly's first year to attend.  She was in the pre-K room while I volunteered with Johnny in the nursery.  Since Molly has not gone to preschool yet, this was her first real experience with anything school-like.  She was a little hesitant to be away from mom but overall I think she had a great time.  The whole experience in my opinion was awesome.  Seeing Molly dance to the songs brought tears to my eyes, I thought it was so sweet.  Yesterday when we came home she played church and today she was singing "hosanna", I guess she picked that up at the mass this morning.  I pray she always follow in the ways of the Lord.

I forgot to mention that Molly and Johnny really missed each other, this is what they did when Johnny and I picked up Molly, immediately wanted to hug and wrestle.

1 comment:

  1. This post is so sweet. Maybe it is somewhat the tininess and curly hair, but I see a lot of similarities between Molly and Cadyn. I can only hope she loves her brother as much as Molly loves and adores Johnny. :)
